- Cabinet
- Canning Town Library
- Car parking permits
- Car parks
- Cardboard recycling
- Care Act
- Care for disabled people
- Care homes
- Carer parking permit
- Carer support
- Carers - managing someone else's finances
- Carers - who they are
- Carers assessments
- Caretaking services
- Cemeteries
- Cemetery records
- Censuses
- Certificates - birth, death, marriage
- Change of address - Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction
- Change of use (land or building)
- Charges for care
- Child employment
- Child protection
- Childcare
- Childminding
- Children and families
- Children at risk
- Children in care
- Children's activities
- Children's centres
- Choosing a school
- Christmas trees
- Civil naming ceremonies
- Civil partnership
- Civil weddings
- Clamping and removals
- Cleaning and caretaking
- Climate Now
- Clinical waste disposal
- Cockroaches
- Colleges
- Commercial property - Council and private lettings
- Commercial waste
- Committees
- Community Infrastructure Levy
- Community Right to Bid
- Community Right to Challenge
- Community centres
- Community grants
- Community neighbourhoods
- Community safety and crime prevention
- Community, parks and leisure
- Complaints about schools
- Complaints procedure (local government)
- Composting
- Conference venues
- Confidential information
- Conservation areas
- Constitution
- Contact and information
- Contact the Council
- Contaminated land
- Controlled parking zones
- Core Strategy
- Coronavirus: COVID-19
- Council Tax
- Council Tax - change of address
- Council Tax - discounts and exemptions
- Council Tax banding
- Council Tax benefit
- Council Tax- how to pay
- Council budgets
- Council house applications
- Council house exchanges
- Council housing repairs
- Council opportunities
- Council performance
- Council tenancies
- Council vacancies
- Councillors
- Counselling - bereavement
- Cremations
- Crossover
- Crossrail in Newham
- Current consultations
- Custom House Library
- Customer services
- Cycling