Check if it is a complaint
Are you reporting a new issue?
If you're contacting us about an issue for the first time, it is quicker to resolve this by contacting the relevant service directly. For example you can:
Appeal a parking charge notice (PCN)
Request a housing register decision review
Report fly tipping
Report a missing bin collection
If you have reported your issue and it has not been resolved, you can make a formal complaint.
You can make a complaint if:
- you have faced unreasonable delays with a service
- you are unhappy with an action the council has taken
- you are unhappy with the actions of a member of council staff
- you believe the council has not provided an adequate service
- you have been provided inaccurate or false information by the council
It is not a complaint if it is:
- a request for the council to do something new
- a request for information
- general feedback
- related to a service we do not provide.
There are separate complaints processes for adults social care, children's social care, schools and housing.There are also situations when we are unable to investigate a complaint.