Make a Complaint

Make a complaint

We aim to provide the best possible service. However, we accept that things can go wrong. If you are not happy with the standard of service we have provided, please let us know so that we can learn, improve and put things right.

If you are contacting us about an issue for the first time, it is quicker to resolve this by contacting the relevant service directly. If you have tried to report your issue and it has not been resolved, you can make a formal complaint.

There are separate complaints processes for adults social care and children's social care and housing (PDF) to.

Before you start, you’ll need:

  • any supporting documents that will act as evidence
  • completed consent form if you’re acting on behalf of someone else
  • your reference number (if your complaint relates to an existing case)

Make a complaint

Complaining on behalf of someone else

You can make a complaint on behalf of a friend or relative. Download and complete this consent form which allows you to report concerns on their behalf. If you are unable to get consent please contact adult social care for advice.

Access and language support

If you have access requirements and need support to submit your complaint please contact us on: 020 8430 2000 Monday – Friday 9am-5pm. Closed bank holidays.

If you use a text-phone you can contact us on 18001 020 8430 2000.

If you need language support you can telephone the language line on 020 3373 4000 or email

If you would like to submit by post please send to: Complaints Team, London Borough of Newham, PO Box 71568, London, E6 9LQ.

Related Tasks

Useful websites relating to complaints