Adult social care is a broad term that refers to support provided by a wide range of agencies and individuals to help those in need including carers to maintain their independence and well-being. This support includes both formal and informal support with personal care, daily living, social activities. Publically funded support is provided by Local Authorities.
Support to help you say what you want to – Advocacy
Helping us shape our services – Co-production
Policies that define the way we provide support
Join our Adult Social Care team and be part of delivering excellent services and improving outcomes for adults in our community.
Find out more about what we can offer and who we are looking for.
Say No to Adult Abuse. You can find out more about keeping people safe in this section. If you see, hear or suspect that a vulnerable adult is being abused call 020 33730440 or raise a Safeguarding First Contact Form
Mental capacity and deprivation of liberty safeguards
Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) and Safeguard Adult Reviews (SAR)
Information and resources for professionals
Modern day slavery & human trafficking
Safeguarding adults training programme and e-learning
Safeguarding easy read leaflets
Support for people with No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF)
Newham council values the contribution of carers. We want to support you in your caring role to help you have a better day-to-day life. We can do this through completing a Carer's assessment with you.
Training, support groups and activities for carers
Information and support for learning disabilities and sensory loss.
Day services for people with a learning disability
Support to remain living independently within your community.
Community Neighbourhood Link Workers
Accessible transport and help to get out and about
Support with daily living activities
Assistive technology and telecare
Maybe you need a little extra support to enable you to live at home independently, or perhaps the time has come to consider moving into somewhere better suited to support your own particular needs.
Social care is not free for everyone and how much you pay towards the cost of your care will depend on your financial situation. It is important to seek independent financial advice to help you plan for your care and support in the future.
Paying for non-residential care
Paying for residential and nursing home care
There are a range of opportunities available to support people with health and social care needs into paid or self-employment.
Our Newham Work: Supported Employment Team
Information on health services and condition specific support available in Newham.
Sexual health and HIV services
By encouraging small positives changes in our everyday behaviour, together we can reduce the risk of a series of long term conditions such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease which affect many of the most vulnerable residents in our borough.