Community Right to Challenge

Community and voluntary groups, charities and other groups can express an interest in bidding to run a council service.

It is known as the Community Right to Challenge and is part of the Localism Act 2011. ​       

Who can submit an expression of interest?

The Act says that ‘relevant bodies’ can submit an expression of interest in bidding to run a council service. In Newham these are:

  • A voluntary or community body
  • A body of persons or a trust which is established for charitable purposes only
  • A parish council
  • Two or more council employees.

Find out more about who can submit an expression of interest in the Community Right to Challenge statutory guidance on the website

Which services can I express an interest in?

Not all services are open to challenge.

You can find more detail about which services you can express an interest in, in the Community Right to Challenge statutory guidance on the website 

You can also email us at to ask if a service you are interested in is open to challenge.

Register an expression of interest

We consider expressions of interest for any relevant service at any time. You can register an expression of interest by filling in the form.

Register an expression of interest in bidding to run a council service

What happens next?

An initial review of your expression of interest application will be taken by senior officers. If it meets the requirements, it will be considered by cabinet. They may ask for more information to help them make a decision.

A decision can take up to 12 weeks. We will write to you to tell you the date when you can expect a decision on your expression of interest.

There are two possible decisions:

  • To accept your expression of interest either as it stands or with modifications
  • To reject it.

If we reject your expression of interest

If we reject your expression of interest to run a particular service, we will publish this decision and the reasons for rejection.

List of reasons for rejection in the Community Right to Challenge statutory guidance can be found on the website

If we accept your expression of interest

If we accept your expression of interest (including if we accept it with modification), we will run a procurement exercise to find the best provider for the service. We will run this exercise in line with You will need to register with Tender Electronic Daily (TED) 

Visit our procurement- how we buy page to find out how to supply goods.

We will publish details of the period between expression of interest being accepted and the start of a procurement exercise to select the most appropriate service provider.

Contact Community Right to Challenge

London Borough of Dockside 1000 Dockside Road London E16 2QU