Planning permission

Do you need planning permission?

If you wish to build, extend or demolish a property or change the use of a building or piece of land you may need to apply for planning permission. 

The Planning Portal website provides detailed general guidance about works that you need to apply for planning permission and those for which you do not. You will also need to check whether the site or works are affected by any conservation area, listed building, or Article 4 restrictions.  

You must get relevant planning permissions before you start work. If you continue without the required permissions, we may take action against you which can include you having to knock down what you have built, or reverting changes already made. 

If you’re not familiar with the planning process, it’s important that you appoint a reputable or accredited professional planning agent to assist you. The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) and the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) provide details on their website of all accredited professionals.

Apply on the Planning Portal

You can apply online via the Planning Portal website, by submitting your application forms, with the required certificates, documents and plans, and paying the application fee.

Contact Duty planning officer

Websites related to planning permission