Planning policy and the Local Plan

Planning obligations and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Planning obligations and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) ensure that development contributes to the improvement of the Borough’s environment and facilities. 

Find out more about CIL on the Planning Portal website.   

The Newham CIL Charging Schedule was adopted by a meeting of Full Council on Monday 30 September 2013 (effective from1st January 2014), following conclusion of the public examination and receipt of the Inspector’s Report (PDF) on 22nd July 2013. 

Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement

The Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) provides a summary of all financial and non-financial developer contributions relating to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Deeds of planning obligation (S106 Deeds). Reporting on Section 278 Highways agreements is not a mandatory requirement of the IFS and will not be reported on.

Effective 1 September 2019 following amendments to The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations require any authority that issues a CIL liability notice or enter into Deeds of Planning obligation (a “contribution receiving authority”) to publish an annual Infrastructure Funding Statement by no later than 31 December in each calendar year, in relation to the previous financial year known as “the reported year”. Read the latest report (PDF).

In summary, the report provides information of:

  • what are Developer contributions?
  • what is the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)?
  • what is a Deed of planning obligation (S106 Deed)?
  • the infrastructure projects or types of infrastructure which the charging authority intends will be, or may be, wholly or partly funded by CIL.
  • a report on CIL for the previous financial year which includes the total amount of CIL received, the total amount of CIL expenditure and summary details of how CIL has been spent.
  • a report of planning obligations for the previous financial year which includes the sum of planning obligations entered into, the total amount of S106 Deed contributions received, the total amount of S106 Deed expenditure and a summary of how S106 Deed contributions have been spent.
  • The Infrastructure List - 2024/25 (PDF).

Newham’s annual Infrastructure Funding Statements (PDF) are published below; a requirement for financial years 2019/20 onwards.

2023/2024 (PDF)

2022/2023 (PDF)

2021/2022 (PDF)

2020/2021 (PDF)

2019/2020 (PDF)

Section 106 Agreements 

Your application may need a Section Deeds of planning obligation (S106 Deeds). These are legal documents that set out terms for development and the public benefit to come from it. One example might be a condition that affordable units must make up 50 per cent of a new housing development. S106 Deeds can also be a source of funding for, for example, transport and parks in Newham. 

 If you want to know how much money we get from Section Deeds of planning obligation (S106 Deeds) and how much we spend, read the latest re​port (PDF)​.

The Council produce an Annual Planning Obligations report which includes the Section 106 monies we secure, receive and spend for each financial year.   

Please refer to the following links to view the requested information:

A planning permission and the associated Deed of Planning Obligation will typically establish the agreed housing mix / tenure of a development. Should a Developer or Land Owner wish to increase the amount of affordable housing a scheme will deliver the Local Planning Authority would welcome the opportunity to engage on this matter by way of a planning application which would be accompanied by modifications to the Deed of Planning Obligation. The planning application will be assessed with a formal decision being issued by the Local Planning Authority in due course. 

What is the Community Infrastructure Levy? 

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a payment made by a developer to the council per square metre of new floorspace. 
The payment goes towards the cost of new infrastructure such as schools, transport links and open spaces to support new housing and jobs. 
We also collect CIL on behalf of the Mayor of London to fund regionally-significant projects like Crossrail. Visit the GLA website for more details about the Mayoral CIL and to view the associated Charging Schedule. 

There are two charging schedules in effect within Newham as the Council and the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) act as the Local Planning Authority for different parts of the borough. For development within the LLDC area please contact the LLDC for further information. 

Details of the Newham CIL Charging Schedule, Instalment Policy and infrastructure that could be delivered by the Levy are as follows: 

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Annual Rate Summary 2025

In accordance with Regulation 121C of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations 2010 (as amended), the London Borough of Newham as a CIL charging authority is issuing this Annual CIL Rate Summary effective from 1 January 2025 until 31 December 2025.

This document confirms the CIL Rate payable for development granted planning permission in 2025.

Read the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Annual CIL Rate Summary 2025 (PDF)

The London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) Community Infrastructure (CIL) Annual Rate Summary 2025

Effective 1 December 2024 LBN has assumed the responsibilities of the charging and collecting authority for the CIL charging schedules that were previously established by the London Development Legacy Corporation (LLDC) within the Newham’s boundaries. Additionally, LBN serves as the collecting authority for the Mayoral Community Infrastructure Levies (MCIL1 and MCIL2) within the area previously designated to the LLDC.

The year to which this annual CIL rate summary relates is the calendar year 2025 and is applicable to CIL liable development for the LLDC CIL1 and CIL2 charging schedules that were established by LLDC within Newham boundaries. This document confirms the CIL Rate payable for development granted planning permissions in 2025.

Read the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) LLDC Annual CIL Rate Summary 2025 (PDF)

Infrastructure List

The Infrastructure List will be updated annually and sets out the types of infrastructure or projects which may be funded by Newham’s strategic CIL receipts.

Read the current CIL Infrastructure List (PDF)

Annual report

Annual reports prior to 2019/20 setting out financial and non-financial contributions secured, received and spent in under S106 agreements are published below:

We are aware that there have been incidents of fraudulent emails claiming to from other local authorities changing the bank details associated with CIL payments. Newham Council is not aware of any data breaches or hacking of the Council’s emails in relation to CIL notices. 

If you receive a liability notice or demand notice and would like to contact the Council about this please email

Contact the CIL team

Contact the Section 106 Team