Planning policy and the Local Plan

The Local Plan 

The Local Plan sets out a vision and framework for development in the borough. It is the starting point for considering whether planning applications can be approved. Along with the London Plan, the Local Plan forms the Development Plan against which individual proposals are assessed.​​​​  

In formally adopting the Local Plan (2018), the London Borough of Newham Local Plan: ​Core Strategy (adopted January 2012) and Local Plan: Detailed Sites and Policies Development Plan Document (adopted 20 October 2016) have been formally withdrawn. 

The Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation DPD (2017) ​provides policy to determine any planning application for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation. 

Local Plan policies map  

The Local Plan policies map 2018 (PDF) shows where area based policies apply as set out in the Local Plan, as well as sites are identified for certain uses. To understand the Policies Map it needs to be read in conjunction with the Local Plan (2018) 

London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) 

Within the boundaries of the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) the LLDC  Local Plan and supplementary planning guidance will apply. Visit this page for more information.