
Regeneration, Housing and Environment

Chaired by Cllr Daniel Lee-Phakoe

Topics to be reviewed to June 2023:

The Commission has several key areas of focus for the year 2022/23, including, but not limited to:

Affordable Housing Delivery Plan and Housing Delivery in Newham – the Commission will review the plan to deliver an additional 1500 affordable homes in the Borough, understand the impact that this will have on residents and the built and environment.

Electric Vehicle and Green Infrastructure in Newham – the Commission will have reviewed current infrastructure in comparison with other London Authorities, future plans and made recommendations.

Street Cleaning and Fly Tipping – Investment and Outcomes - the Commission will have reviewed the impact of return on investment into street cleansing and fly tipping, and what the impact has been on local neighbourhoods and place making.

Air Quality Action Plan and Net Zero Commitments – Review of Performance - the Commission will have understood the performance of the Council in terms of delivering the Air Quality Action Plan, actions undertaken, and ambitions for the future, and made recommendations accordingly.

Environment Quality and Green Spaces in the Borough - the Commission will have understood current and future plans for green spaces, resources allocated, and made recommendations accordingly.

Contact the Overview and Scrutiny Team

Address: London Borough of Newham
Newham Dockside
1000 Dockside Road
E16 2QU