
Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour

Chaired by Cllr Anthony McAlmont, also Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Topics to be reviewed to June 2023:

Enforcement and Community Safety - the Commission will examine how the Executive would deliver on the manifesto commitments to increase the number of the Council’s Community Safety Enforcement and Anti-Social Behaviour officers in the borough and tackle issues such as ASB, fly tipping and noise. They look also review the support from the police in resources to combating crime and antisocial behaviour.

Community Safety Board – the Commission will continue to examine the work and the priorities of the Community Safety Board and the Community Safety Partnership Strategy. The Commission would look to get an understanding of the roles and responsibilities in the Board and hear what are the outcomes expected via the actions of the partners on the Board.

Domestic Abuse Needs Assessment and strategy – the Commission would review the work associated with the Domestic Abuse Needs Assessment and Strategy.

Women and Girls – the Commission will scrutinise all the workstreams related to the work in progress to keep girls and young women safe in the borough. This would involve looking at the zero tolerance campaign/ Women’s Safety Night Charter/ Open Spaces Action Plan/ Women’s Safety Audit.

Review of engagement with sex workers in the borough – the Commission to review the work related to policies and strategies to engage with sex workers in the borough. The Commission would look to review the resources allocated to this area by the policies and their strategic approach, alongside assessing the current positon to allow the Commission to consider the expected outcomes over the municipal year.

Hate Crime – to review the Council and Police’s approach in tackling hate crime in the borough. The Commission would look to scrutinise the action being taken address and reduce hate crime in the borough. The Commission will look to receive regular updates and the current data in this area.

Street-Drinking, Enforcement of Drug Law and related-ASB – the Commission to review the implementation of the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to address alcohol related anti-social behaviour. They will also look at how matters such as drug-dealing and other issues are addressed by Council’s Community Safety service and the police.

Road safety and road offences – the Commission would look to examine legislation in related to the enforcement of highway codes and law to ensure road safety. This would also include matters like road racing in the borough.

State of the Borough Report (Review of Crime and Antisocial Behaviour in 2021-22) – the Commission would receive the Executive Response to the report and discuss the implementation of the recommendations.

Contact the Overview and Scrutiny Team

Address: London Borough of Newham
Newham Dockside
1000 Dockside Road
E16 2QU