
Health and Adult Social Care

Chaired by Cllr Susan Masters

Topics to be reviewed to June 2023:

The Commission will have a running brief on pressing matters in the borough such as COVID, any vaccinations programmes, Monkeypox, Polio, NHS waiting lists related to elective surgery/outpatients appointment and any other health developments.

Integrated Care System: the Commission will look at the strategic implications for Newham on the re-organisation of the NHS in England contained in the Health and Care Act 2022.

Maternity Care - the Commission will investigate the wider experience of women in the health system in the light of Healthwatch report on local experiences. The Commission will also look to hear from a wide-range of witnesses from the Council, the NHS, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Healthwatch Newham, Maternity Action and Maternity Mates. 

Mental Health - the Commission scrutinise how the NHS and related services would look to improve the experience of marginalised groups and addressing inequalities. The Commission will investigate what is known about groups over-represented or under-represented in the mental health system; and assess where inequalities lie and what is being done to address them.

Social Care Assurance - the Commission will review the work to establish a Social Care Assurance Framework and how well Local Authorities are fulfilling their social care duties and responsibilities under the Care Act 2014 and is key to ensuring the vision for Social Care Reform was been delivered.

Inequalities in Primary Care - the Commission would like how services were addressing matters related to primary care such as access to GP services, patients obtaining timely appointment and system oversight.

Functioning of Our Place-Based System – the Commission will consider and scrutinise how all the services in the borough were being integrated to work more efficiently and effectively together.

Dentistry – the Commission will consider whether the NHS is meeting its commitment to provide more access to NHS dentists in the borough. 

Contact the Overview and Scrutiny Team

Address: London Borough of Newham
Newham Dockside
1000 Dockside Road
E16 2QU