Who serves on the different commissions?
Who serves on the different commissions?
All councillors except the Mayor and councillors who are part of Cabinet may be members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and its commissions.
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee can also appoint co-opted members to the committee and/or the scrutiny commissions. Co-opted members are not allowed to vote with the exception of parent or diocesan representatives who can vote on education matters.
Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Commissions in Newham
Scrutiny arrangements differ from council to council.
The committee receives reports by the executive on progress against priorities, organisational restructures, budget and performance monitoring, and leads on commissions which cross-cut multi-service areas (such as homelessness), along with updates and engagement from various statutory partners as required.
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee Membership for 2022/23 is now:
Chair: Cllr Anthony McAlmont
Cllr Elizabeth Booker
Matthew Brooks
Cllr Rita Chadha
Cllr Nate Higgins
Ms Ellen Kemp
Cllr Lester Hudson
Cllr Daniel Lee-Phakoe
Paul Leslie
Cllr Susan Masters
Cllr Thelma Odoi
Cllr Rohima Rahman
Paul Underwood
There are also four Scrutiny Commissions, with the following Chairs
Crime & Anti-Social Behaviour Commission: Chair, Cllr Anthony McAlmont
Education, Children & Young People Commission: Chair, Cllr Elizabeth Booker
Health & Social Care Commission: Chair, Cllr Susan Masters
Regeneration, Environment, Housing & Inclusive Economy Commission: Chair, Cllr Daniel Lee-Phakoe
Find out more details about the membership, meetings and agendas of the Overview and Scrutiny (O&S) Committee.
In addition to the O&S Committee, there are four standing commissions reporting into the O&S Committee, with each commission meeting separately to progress its own work programme.
Each Commission scrutinises subjects at quarterly meetings and produces ‘Task and Finish’ commissions - which are in-depth research reports on a given scrutiny topic chosen by Members. Recommendations from the work of scrutiny are presented at Cabinet Council, or to the relevant Individual portfolio lead in the Executive - for their respective consideration.