Safeguarding and prevention

Missing people - The Herbert Protocol

BSL Support

The Herbert Protocol is a national scheme which encourages staff and carers to compile useful information which could be used if a vulnerable person goes missing.

Carers and staff can complete a form recording all vital details such as:

  • Physical description
  • A photograph
  • Medical and medication history
  • Contact details
  • Places previously located.

In the event of a person going missing, the form can be handed to the police to reduce the time taken in gathering this information and allow them to begin searching quickly.

The please click on the link to download the form. Recording this information ahead of time and keeping it updated will greatly reduce the stress from trying to recall detailed information in an emergency situation.

Contact Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

If you would like to refer a case, please contact us using the details below.

Telephone: 020 3373 0440