Supporting adults at risk of radicalisation
On this page you will find links to resources to support with the Prevent strategy. The aim of the Prevent strategy is to reduce the threat to the UK from terrorism by stopping people:
- Being radicalised
- Becoming terrorists
- Supporting terrorism.
Prevent is one of the four elements of CONTEST, the UK’s counter-terrorism strategy launched in 2006 to combat violent and non-violent extremism. It is a four-pronged strategy that includes:
- Protect: To strengthen our protection against terrorist attacks
- Prepare: Where an attack cannot be stopped, to mitigate against its circumstances
- Pursue: To stop terrorist attacks
- Prevent: to reduce the number of people becoming or supporting violent extremists, bottom of the pyramid, operates in the pre-criminal space.
How Prevent operates
Prevent is unique in that it operates in the pre-criminal space, i.e. before a crime has been committed. Prevent revolves around the below three stands of work:
- Ideology: Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it
- Individuals: Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support
- Institutions: Work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation which we need to address.
Since July 2015, section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 has come into effect, thus rendering Prevent a statutory duty for local authorities, educational provisions, the health sector, police and prisons.
This, in effect, means all of these sectors are now obliged by law to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism."
Frequently Asked Questions
Newham Adults Multi Agency Safeguarding (MASH) Team
Staff and provider organisations should consider, or discuss with Newham Adults MASH Team, how reliable or significant these changes are.
Team members are available to:
- Discuss any potential concerns
- Put the staff member in touch with local and regional advisers with relevant experience and expertise.
How to raise a referral
Anyone, including members of the public or professionals/staff members who are concerned that a person is at risk of radicalisation or may have become radicalised should make a PREVENT referral using our online form:
The Community Resilience Team
The Community Resilience Team leads on implementing the Prevent across London borough of Newham.
The Prevent team provides a range of training opportunities for organisations, professionals, and community groups across the borough. These sessions are designed to build awareness, enhance safeguarding practices, and equip participants with the skills needed to identify and respond to vulnerabilities that could lead to radicalisation.
Training sessions include:
Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent (WRAP): An in-depth session covering how individuals may be drawn into harmful ideologies and practical advice for safeguarding.
Bespoke Training: Tailored sessions to address specific needs, such as managing controversial topics, training on specific ideologies such as Extreme Right Wing, or creating inclusive and safe environments.
The team provides a variety of workshops for young people in the borough, covering topics such as extremism, conspiracy theories, online safety, misinformation, disinformation, and more. If you are interested in arranging workshops for the young people you work with, please get in touch via email.
Venue Hire Policy Guidance
Below is the link to our Venue Hire Policy Guidance provided by the Newham Prevent Team. This document offers detailed advice and support for venues considering hiring their space to external speakers or organisations. It is designed to help ensure that venues maintain a safe and inclusive environment for all users.
How to report terrorist or violent extremist content found online
If you see terrorist or violent extremist material or online content that supports, directs or glorifies terrorism please report it. You can report things like:
- Articles, images, speeches or videos that promote terrorism or encourage violence
- Websites made by terrorists or extremist organisations
- Videos of terrorist attacks.
You can make your report without leaving your name or contact details online.
To find out more about how to help someone close to you visit Act Early or call the ACT early support line on 0800 011 3764 where, in confidence, you can share your concerns with specially trained officers. Lines are open 09.00-5.00pm every day. In an emergency dial 999.
You can speak to your local policing team or your local council community team about helping run local events about Prevent.
We’ll attend your event to make sure our communities understand the work we’re doing and have a say in the way we do it.
We’ll tell you more about the signs and behavioural changes to look out for in someone who might be becoming involved in terrorism or extremism and explain who might be at risk.
Make a complaint about Prevent
The Standards and Compliance Unit (StaCU) has been set up to make sure anyone applying the Prevent duty, or providing training on Prevent, follows the right process and standards.
If you wish to make a complaint about how Prevent is being applied, you can find more information on GOV.UKexternal link.