Blue Badges

Request a review (appeal) or making a complaint about a Blue Badge decision

BSL Support

Requesting a review

You can request a review within one month of the decision on your blue badge application.

Appeals can only be heard if additional information not previously submitted is provided.

To do this, you will need to complete the form:

Request a review of a blue badge decision

What you must tell us

When submitting your appeal, you must:

  • Say why you are appealing
  • Upload any new evidence you may have to support your appeal, such as current medical evidence
  • Not upload information already submitted with your application, as this may result in your appeal being rejected.

What happens next

We will look at your application again and make a decision based on the new information provided or refer your case to an occupational therapist working on our behalf, to look at.

We will contact you by email to inform you of our decision.

Submitting a complaint

You can submit a corporate complaint if you are concerned with the way in which the process has been conducted.