Blue Badges

Parking with a Blue Badge

BSL Support

You can use the badge throughout the UK, the European Union and some other European countries.

You can use the badge when you are driving or are a passenger in a car. Other people, such as your friends or relatives, can't use the badge unless you are travelling with them.

You can not use the Blue Badge for:

  • Off street car parks
  • Private roads
  • Most airports

You should always make sure to check parking restrictions.

Where you can park in Newham using a Blue Badge

If you clearly display a valid blue badge on the dashboard or facia panel of your vehicle, you can park for free, for as long as you need in a:

  • Permit holder bay (resident, business, visitor permits)
  • Paid for parking (on street pay by phone only parking bays)
  • Shared use parking bay (permit holders and paid for parking)
  • Free short stay parking bay
  • Blue Badge only bays

As long as you display the clock showing the time you arrived and a valid Blue Badge in your vehicle, you can also park:

  • On single or double yellow lines for up to three hours when there are no loading restrictions

Where you cannot park in Newham

You cannot park with a Blue Badge at any time:

  • In a Newham residents disabled bay. In these bays only a Newham disabled residents permit is valid
  • On a single or double yellow lines when there are loading restrictions
  • In a suspended parking bay
  • In a doctor parking bay
  • In a car club parking bay
  • in a bus parking bay
  • In a loading bay
  • In an electric vehicle bay
  • In a motorcycle bay
  • In a police vehicle bay
  • When there are school 'keep clear' restrictions in place
  • On a bus stop or taxi rank clearways where a yellow 'no stopping' sign is displayed
  • On a red route unless signs allow you to park

Newham disabled residents parking bays within a RPZ

In an RPZ a Blue Badge is not valid when parked in a Newham residents disabled bay. In these bays only a vehicle with a valid Newham residents disabled permit for the zone in which the bay is located can park.

If you do not have a disabled resident parking permit for a RPZ where you wish to park, you can park in a standard resident permit holder bay but you must ensure that your Blue Badge is clearly displayed on the dashboard or facia panel of your vehicle.

Council car parks in Newham

You can park for free in most Newham Council car parks when you display a Blue Badge and park in a disabled parking bay.

Please note: You will have to pay for parking even when using a disabled parking bay at Stratford Multi-Storey car park.

Websites related to parking with a Blue Badge