Blue Badges

Apply for or renew a Blue Badge

BSL Support

Applying or renewing a Blue Badge

If you believe you meet the criteria and can provide the necessary documentation, including identify and residency information, please complete the application or renewal form through to be assessed for blue badge eligibility. You can apply for yourself, someone else or an organisation.

Apply for or renew a Blue Badge

Please see further information if you are renewing a Blue Badge

Before you start

To apply for a Blue Badge you will need:

1. Identity and residency documents:

  • The details of your current Blue Badge (if you have one)
  • A colour passport sized and quality head and shoulders photograph
  • Proof of identification such as a passport or driving licence.
  • Proof of address such as a current council tax bill or driving licence (Please note a driving licence cannot be used for both proof of identification and address)

2. Up to date (within 12 months) supporting evidence, this may include (depending on your condition/disability and the Blue Badge criteria):

  • A letter from the Department of Work and Pensions confirming:
  • That you receive the higher rate mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance
  • That you receive a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) because you cannot walk more than 50metres with a point score of 8 or above for 'Moving Around' OR 10 points for 'Planning and Following a journey' activity on the grounds that you are unable to undertake any journey because it would case overwhelming physiological distress
If you need an up to date copy of either of these letters, call 08457 123 456.
  • A letter from the Ministry of Defence confirming:
  • You were injured in service on or after 6 April 2005, have been awarded a benefit by the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme, with a lump sum payment within Tariffs 1 to 8 and are certified as having a permanent, substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking
  • Was injured in service before 6 April 2005 and is in receipt of a War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement
  • A CVI or BD8 form that states you are blind (Severely Sight impaired)
  • A SR1 medical form – Life limiting illness

If you are applying without one the benefits (or forms) listed, please provide information and evidence of your condition/disability which may include some of the following details and documents (within 12 months):

  • A letter of diagnosis, as up-to-date as possible
  • Evidence of prescribed medication relevant to the condition
  • Evidence of specialist consultations, or referrals
  • Correspondence between professional that treat your condition
  • Confirmation of ongoing treatments / clinic attendances, or referral for such
  • Evidence of the progression of the condition over time
  • Patient Summary or Summary Care Records
  • Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP)
  • Care Plans from social care teams
  • Social housing letters / assessment reports from a local authority
  • Letters from other health and care professionals involved in your care.
  • Integrated Care board grant payment information

Please provide wherever possible, evidence from consultants and specialist medical professionals. Information from GPs we can only accept in support of an application, providing it is not the only source of evidence to determine eligibility.

3. To provide an email address (ideally) so we can:

  • Notify you of the outcome of your application
  • Email you renewal reminders.

To avoid any delay in processing your application:

  • All documents must be uploaded on the online application form. When you are uploading evidence such as a letter, ensure it includes all of the information on all pages of the letter.
  • Ensure documents/information provided is all current and is within 12 months


After you apply/renew

We will assess your application and advise you by email or in writing whether or not you qualify for a Blue Badge. We aim to assess your application within 12 weeks. To do this we must have your required documents. Please be aware that the assessment process will not begin until all the necessary evidence has been provided.