Support for businesses

Federation of Small Businesses

FSB Membership Offer

Calling on Newham London Small businesses to join Federation of Small Business at a preferential rate

Federation of Small Business (FSB) and Newham London have entered into a partnership to offer heavily discounted two year FSB memberships. FSB is the leading business representative organisation and this offer will enable small firms in Newham London to take the stress away from doing business. 

No other small business organisation provides the breadth of services, support and advice that FSB does. When compared to competitor offerings, FSB is the only membership organisation to offer its members comprehensive tax protection, business legal protection insurance as well as employment law guidance, health and safety advice and financial support – all as rights of membership (included in your two-year membership!). 

In addition to this, members are able to attend over 150 monthly events, as well as take advantage of specially negotiated products and services that will help you grow your business. 

These offerings include:

  • Legal and Tax Protection Insurance
  • 24/7/365 Legal Advice
  • Health and Safety 
  • HR Support
  • Pension Planning
  • Workplace Pension Solution
  • Business Banking 
  • Other products and services specifically designed to help members grow their business and save money. 

The substantial reduction on FSB membership fees means that sole traders will be required to contribute £50, any business with 1-10 employees will be required to contribute £100, and any business with 11-50 employees paying just £150 for a two-year membership!

Funding for this membership offer is being provided through the Council using United Kingdom Shared Prosperity Funding to support local businesses to thrive, innovate and grow.

The discounted FSB memberships awarded will be to eligible businesses trading from a domestic or commercial property in Newham on a first-come-first-served basis and will close when the allocated funding has been exhausted and/or by Monday 31 March, whichever is sooner, at which point no further memberships will be awarded regardless of the potential eligibility of any applicant.

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Fsb membership