Support for businesses

Climate change hub/sustainable business practice

In 2019 Mayor Rokhsana Fiaz declared a climate emergency and pledged to make Newham carbon neutral by 2030.

There are several ways businesses can contribute to making Newham more energy safe and efficient and help contribute to making London a carbon zero city by 2050, a target set by the Mayor of London.

View the list of organisations that are leading the way in providing support, guidance and the latest information on how you and your business can start contributing to tackling the climate emergency.

Climate Action Just Transition Plan

The Council has become the first local authority in the country to launch a Climate Action Just Transition Plan. It provides a blueprint to address the unequal impacts of climate change on Newham’s residents who are disproportionately impacted by the climate emergency, but pay the highest costs for climate adaptation. The Just Transition Plan is part of building a fairer Newham towards lower emissions and healthier, equitable and climate-resilient lives.
For more information visit, Our Just Transition Plan webpage.

Worried about energy costs poster
Reduce costs with an energy health check

Are you worried about your business’s energy costs? Would you like to help the planet by reducing your carbon emissions? If so, the UK Government is funding a sustainability and energy support programme for London SMEs, where businesses can learn how to be greener and more efficient.

What is an energy health check?

An energy health check is a thorough assessment for your commercial building to understand how efficiently it consumes energy. A consultant will inspect everything in your building from lights to appliances, to find out where energy is being wasted. By pinpointing these areas, the consultant will then suggest ways to make your space warmer, dryer and more energy efficient. By getting an energy health check you will reduce your bills and emissions!

To sign up click here.