Regeneration project: The Carpenters Estate

Carpenters Residents' Charter 

The Carpenters Residents’ Charter (PDF) was produced by the Council and the Joint Residents’ Steering Group together, and was confirmed by the Council’s Cabinet in April 2012. 

The charter sets out the rights of residents and those affected by any redevelopment proposals, as well as the council’s obligations and commitments. 

The main principles of the charter are: 

  1. The requirement for the Council to support a Residents’ Steering Group to act as a body for consultation  
  2. The provision of information, facts and figures to enable residents to make informed decisions about the future  
  3. The right for all residents to have access to independent advice paid for by the council throughout the regeneration project 

A copy of the Residents’ Charter was provided to all residents in 2012, and you can also find it here. Please note that some details within the Charter are now out of date such as the amounts of homeless and disturbance compensation payable, and will be updated by the new Carpenters Destination Steering Group. The current rights for residents set out in the 2012 Charter will not be diminished. 

Report noise from ongoing construction

Contact us about the regeneration programme

For more information programme, consultations or how you can get involved, contact the Regeneration Team.