Regeneration project: The Carpenters Estate

Carpenters Destination Steering Group 

The Mayor has made a commitment to the residents of Carpenters Estate that the council will work together with them to restore the estate. As a consultative forum, the Carpenters Destination Steering Group uses the community’s feedback to input into key design and planning application milestones, and: 

  • Works collaboratively with the council and other stakeholders to ensure that the community’s views are heard 
  • Acts as a sounding board for the council, architects, the Independent Tenants’ and Residents’ Advisor and other professionals to help them understand issues from a resident perspective 
  • Provides information and assistance to the community on the regeneration plans, including working with the council to ensure residents are kept regularly updated with progress as the project evolves 
  • Inputs into the general communications for residents, as well as the design and content of workshops/exhibitions and general resident meeting agendas •Identifies opportunities for residents to feed into processes and proposals throughout the project 
  • Provides feedback on the general feeling on the estate regarding current activities and proposals, and works with the council and the Independent Tenants’ and Residents’ Advisor to agree how concerns should be addressed 
  • Forms part of the procurement panels for any partners to be appointed to work on the Carpenters’ project.

The Carpenters Destination Steering Group is supported by council officers, the Independent Tenants’ and Residents’ Advisor and other consultants, and is encouraged to comment, constructively challenge, influence and help shape the proposals prior to formal council decisions being made. 

To recognise the demands placed on members of the Carpenters Destination Steering Group, they are offered an hourly rate of pay set in line with the London Living Wage for attending their regular meetings and any other specific Carpenters Destination Steering Group events.  

Members can opt to receive this payment themselves, have it paid to someone else or a charity, or decide to take no payment at all. Other costs incurred as a result of being on the Carpenters Destination Steering Group are also reimbursed, such as travel and childcare costs. 

Carpenters Destination Steering Group membership 

There are 12 resident places on the Residents’ Steering Group to ensure that anyone living on the estate, or who has moved away with the right to return, has the opportunity of working with the council to shape their neighbourhood for the future. These places are split to reflect the number of eligible tenures/categories, and are regularly reviewed as specified in the Carpenters Residents’ Charter. 

View and download documents including the notes from past meetings on the Carpenters download page 

Contact us about the regeneration programme

For more information programme, consultations or how you can get involved, contact the Regeneration Team.