Newham Local Plan Review

Third Consultation: Draft Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19)

The Regulation 19 Consultation period has been extended by 2 weeks. You now have until 5pm on the 20th September 2024 to submit your comments.

This is a consultation on the Newham Draft Submission Local Plan. Due to file size, this has been split into two parts.

The Local Plan contains the vision, objectives, spatial strategy and planning policy framework which will guide our decisions on development and regeneration in the borough. This is your final opportunity to comment on the Draft Submission Local Plan before we send it to central government for examination.

The Local Plan is also informed by Evidence Base Documents which have provided research on specific aspects of the Local Plan and by Council and regional strategies and area specific guidance.

Our Duty to Cooperate Statement (PDF) also provides information on how we have engaged with a range of organisations we are required to work with on strategic planning matters

Regulation 19 requirements

The Regulation 19 consultation requires comments to focus on the ‘legal compliance’ and ‘soundness’ of the Local Plan and whether we have complied with Duty to Cooperate. Our Regulation 19 Consultation Guidance (PDF) explains what this means in more detail and contains advice on how to write a representation.  

Local Plan and supporting documents

Read the Newham Draft Submission Local Plan Part 1 (Introduction, Vision and Objectives and policies) (PDF) and Part 2 (Neighbourhoods and Appendices) (PDF) documents and see our interactive Policies Map or Submission Policies Map (PDF). 

You are recommended to use our interactive Policies Map which allows you to easily view the Neighbourhoods chapter of the Draft Submission Local Plan. Each neighbourhood policy and site allocation will have a pop up enabling you to view the relevant policies for each neighbourhood and site allocation.

The Draft Submission Local Plan has been informed by the responses to the previous two consultations: Issues & Options (2021) and Regulation 18 (2023). In the previous two consultations you told us what was important to you, the changes you wanted and gave your feedback on our first Draft of our new Local Plan for Newham. To see your responses on the previous consultations you can view our consultation reports for the Issues and Options and Regulation 18. 

Read our Main Changes Summaries for an overview of the key changes from the Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) to the Draft Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19):

How to submit a representation?

There are many ways you can submit a representation: 

Hard copies of the Draft Submission Newham Local Plan, Submission Policies Map, Regulation 18 Consultation Report, Main Changes Summaries and Integrated Impacted Assessment June 2024 are available to be inspected at Newham Dockside Office and Newham Libraries. Please note, Manor Park Library is temporarily closed, if it re-opens during the consultation, the materials will be made available to view there. Hard copies of the response form are also available at Newham Libraries and Newham Dockside and can be returned by email or post, using the addresses above. 

Residents with limited mobility or the need to shield can request the delivery of the Newham Draft Submission Local Plan and response form. This can be done by emailing the Planning Policy Team at The response form can then be posted to Newham Dockside using the address above.

The full details of where you can view the consultation documents is set out in our Regulation 19 Consultation Guidance (PDF) and Statement of Representation Procedure (updated August 2024) (PDF).  For more information about your data see our privacy notice (PDF).

Further information on how to submit a representation was provided in the online informative session. Please view the recording of the session and the presentation slides (PDF). Please note, this is an error and the consultation was due to end on the 6th September 2024. The consultation deadline has now been extended to 5pm on the 20th September 2024.

To submit a representation and find out more on how you can get involved go to our Regulation 19 page on Newham Co-create.

For further information about the consultation and how to take part, attend one of our consultation events: 

Events Date Where to go Information
Online Informative Session Thursday 25th July 2024 19:00-20:00 Microsoft Teams – Sign up to Eventbrite Event here

The online informative session will give you an overview of the Newham Draft Submission Local Plan and how to provide responses using the online or downloadable response form. This will be followed by a Q&A with members of the policy team.

This event has now taken place. You can view the presentation slides (PDF), a recording of the presentation and answers to all the questions asked (PDF).

*Please note, this is an error and the consultation was due to end on the 6th September 2024. The consultation deadline has now been extended to 5pm on the 20th September 2024.

Drop-in Session 1 Saturday 27th July 2024 14:00-16:00 East Ham Library, 328 Barking Road, London E6 2RT The drop-in sessions give you the opportunity to ask the policy team any questions you have on the Newham Draft Submission Local Plan. They will also able to assist you with submitting a representation.
Drop-in Session 2 Tuesday 30th July 2024 18:30-20:30 Royal Docks Activity Centre, Albert Rd, London E16 2JB
Drop-in Session 3 Thursday 8th August 2024 10:00-12:00 Canning Town Library, 18 Rathbone Market, London E16 1EH
Drop-in Session 4 Saturday 10th August 2024 10:00-12:00 Stratford Library, Hopkins Room, 3 The Grove, London E15 1EL