Newham Local Plan Review


What is the Newham Local Plan Review?

The Local Plan is the key planning document which the Council uses to assess planning applications and to decide where regeneration and development happen in Newham.

The new Local Plan will help guide our decisions on:

  • the location, amount and type of development in the borough
  • the standards that development should meet
  • what development should look like
  • what services and infrastructure are needed and where
  • how all residents will benefit from the growth and development

All Councils are required to have an up-to-date Local Plan. We are refreshing ours so we can plan to 2038 and deliver our key objectives: inclusive growth, delivering a fairer Newham, and addressing the climate emergency.

Local Plan Review Stages

The review of the Local Plan is taking place over three rounds of consultation and engagement. We have completed the three formal consultation stages and we will now consider your representations to determine whether any modifications are needed to ensure the Local Plan is sound. These proposed modifications will then be submitted for consideration during the examination. 

  1. Issues and Options Consultation.This took place from October to December 2021
  2. Draft Local Plan Consultation (Regulation 18) This took place from January to February 2023.
  3. Draft Local Plan Submission (Regulation 19) (Closed) *We are here*
  4. Examination

The full timetable can be found in the Local Development Scheme (PDF).

Contact the Planning Policy team