Newham Local Plan Review

Integrated Impact Assessment

The Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) is developed alongside the Draft Local Plan, continuously assessing it to check how it, and possible alternative options, may impact social, economic and environmental factors within Newham. The Plan should be reducing and mitigating any potential negative effects in relation to these factors and seeking ways to deliver improvements and benefits.

The Integrated Impact Assessment contains the following assessments:

  • A Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) which assesses the policies in the Local Plan against the Sustainability Objectives identified in the Scoping Report (consulted on alongside the Issues and Options consultation).
  • An Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) which measures the potential impact (positive or negative) that the Local Plan may have on different groups protected by equalities legislation so that any such impact can be addressed and mitigated.
  • A Health Impact Assessment (HIA) which provides a systematic approach to predicting the potential health and wellbeing impacts of the Local Plan. An HIA identifies actions that can enhance positive effects on health, reduce or eliminate negative effects, and reduce health and social inequalities.
  • A Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) which considers the potential impact of the Local Plan on significant natural habitats.

Comments could be made on the IIA during the Draft Local Plan consultation. These comments have been considered and updates were made to the IIA in response to the comments as well as changes made to the Local Plan since the last consultation. The Regulation 19 IIA report provides a summary of these changes and the reflective process used to continuously assess and inform the Local Plan.

The main report of the Integrated Impact Assessment includes a non-technical summary, providing an overview of the process and describes the key sustainability effects anticipated as a result of the implementation of the development options and policies contained in the Draft Submission Local Plan. Read the Integrated Impact Assessment (Regulation 19) Non-Technical Summary (PDF)

The documents can be found below:

Regulation 18 Integrated Impact Assessment

Between January and February 2023, the Council consulted on the IIA Regulation 18 version at the same time as the Regulation 18 consultation. Comments made during the consultation fed into the Regulation 19 version of the Integrated Impact Assessment, and responses to comments are contained within the Regulation 19 version of the IIA.

Integrated Impact Assessment Scoping Report

Between October and December 2021, the Council consulted on the IIA Scoping Report at the same time as the Issues and Options Consultation. The Scoping Report included the contextual information used to inform the scope of the IIA, along with a draft IIA Framework to be used to complete the assessment.

Comments received on the Scoping Report and our responses to individual comments can be found in Appendix B of the IIA (Regulation 18) Appendices, as well as below. Comments on the Scoping Report have been used to inform the assessments.

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