Boundary dispute FAQs
My neighbour has built onto my land and/or water is now coming into my property from my neighbour’s; what can I do?
These problems are not for the council to sort out. We suggest that, firstly, you speak to your neighbour and try to sort the problem out. If this does not work, you may need to take further action. The Citizens Advice Bureau can give you information and advice.
Where can I find more information about boundary disputes and problems?
We cannot interfere in boundary disputes and problems. We suggest that, firstly, you speak to your neighbour and try to sort the problem out. If this doesn’t work, you may need to take further action. The Citizens Advice Bureau can give you information and advice. You may need to speak to a solicitor.
My neighbour's builder is making noise, creating dust, throwing old tiles/bricks from the building or generally making a nuisance.
In some circumstances, we can help, go to My Newham and report it. Or go to the Health and Safety Executive website.