Building control

Application types: Building notice application

A building notice is for minor building works such as: 

  • Removing a chimney breast 
  • Re-covering a roof 
  • Installing or altering a kitchen, toilet or bathroom which includes drainage (if you are not sure whether you need approval, contact us) 
  • Converting an attached garage into a living area 
  • Knocking down a wall 
  • Replacing windows unless you are self-certifying 
  • Building an extension 
  • Building or extending a basement 
  • Putting in cavity insulation (unless you are self-certifying).  

If you plan to build an extension, you will need to provide a location plan, drawn to scale (not less than 1:1250), which shows the building and boundaries. 
If you want to build an extension over a sewer you need to make a full plans application. A building notice is not suitable. 
You can start work two working days after we receive your application. You need to tell us when you want to start work, and you can do this by phone or email. 
Building notice applications do not give you the same protection as full plans application. You, or the person doing the work, must have a good knowledge of building and know the building regulations. 

Make a Building notice application

Alternatively, you are able to complete an application and email the application to

Building notice application (PDF)

Contact Duty Officer

Please call the duty officer between 9am and 10.30am, Monday to Friday.

Telephone: 020 3373 8200