Provider Zone


BSL Support

What are micro-providers?

Micro-providers are those who:

  • Have five or less full-time equivalent workers (paid or unpaid)
  • Are independent of any larger organisation
  • Work full-time or part-time.

Micro-Providers come in many different forms:

  • Sole traders
  • Partnerships
  • Social enterprises
  • Not for profit, charity or voluntary organisations.

How can the Council support micro-providers?

  • Listening to your ideas and giving you professional feedback
  • Supporting you to understand legal requirements and any care regulations that might apply to what you plan to do
  • Providing you with advice and practical information on regulation, training and insurances
  • Directing you to other organisations who can help
  • Connecting you to training opportunities for local Health and Social Care Providers
  • Promoting your organisation to residents who may need your services by encouraging you to register your service on our Health and Social Care Directory. It is free to register on this one-stop-shop for anyone looking for health and social care services and support.

Support to start a micro-enterprise

Newham supports customers including people with health and social care needs to start their own businesses.

As a result, this has helped to create a range of services for Newham residents with health and social care needs.

The Supported Employment Team located at Workplace supports all people who wish to become micro-enterprise or entrepreneurs.

If you need help to start or set up your own business please contact the Supported Employment Team.

Micro-enterprise project grant

Newham council will give grants to people who are starting up or developing micro-enterprises in the borough.

These grants are for between £500 to £2,000 and we will give them to:

  • Local disabled entrepreneurs
  • Entrepreneurs offering health and social care services to older or disabled people in Newham.

Make sure you read the guidance notes before you fill in the application form.

Our Newham Work: Supported Employment

If you would like our help to look for jobs or more information about employment for people with health and social care needs, please contact us

Telephone: 020 3373 4948