Policies that define the way we provide support

Annual Reports


Our Annual Report (previously known as the Local Account) gives our residents an insight into how our adult social care and health services are performing and the impact they have had in our communities. It highlights the work that we have accomplished together and sets out the plan on what we want to improve and achieve in the year ahead.

The report tells people:

  • How our services help people stay healthy and well and avoid the need for more intensive support from adult social care services
  • How much we spent on adult social care and health services
  • What and who we spent the money on
  • Our future plans
Hear from Jason Strelitz, Director of Adults and Health, about our main aims as a directorate:
Hear from Councillor Wilson, Cabinet Lead for Health and Adult Social Care, about why this report is important to residents:

Get in touch

If you have questions about the Annual Report, or would like to know more about how you can get involved in developing our next report, then please get in touch with us on annual.report@newham.gov.uk

asc report

Adult Social Care and Health Annual Reports

Read our previous reports here
