Policies that define the way we provide support

Policies that define the way we provide support


National and local policies along with legislations such as the Care Act 2014 help to define how we provide care and support in Newham. This combined with an assessment of local needs helps to make sure that the services we provide match the needs of Newham residents. 

50 steps to a Healthier Newham

Towards a Better Newham

50 Steps to a Healthier Newham

The 50 Steps to a Healthier Newham strategy was developed in conjunction with a number of partners, and aims to tackle the health inequalities that exist within the borough.

Towards a Better Newham

The strategy sets out the foundation for how the Council will respond to the economic impact of Covid-19 as it rebuilds a better Newham.

Reports, Strategies and Fact Sheets

View various documents that have been produced to share insights and plans. These include, but are not limited to Needs Assessments, Director of Public Health reports, Strategies and Fact sheets.