Policies that define the way we provide support

The Care Act


The Care Act came into force in April 2015 and places a series of duties and responsibilities on local authorities about care and support for adults.

The Act includes:

  • The introduction of a consistent, national eligibility criteria for social care support
  • New rights to support for carers, on an equivalent basis to the people they care for
  • Legal rights to a personal budget and direct payment
  • New responsibilities around transition, provider failure, supporting people who move between local authority areas and safeguarding.

Who qualifies for care and support?

All councils across England must apply the national minimum threshold for eligibility for care and support as set out in the Care Act 2014. Following an assessment, we will consider whether you meet the three conditions set out in the Act, all of which must be met for a person’s needs to be eligible for care and support from the Council.

What is an assessment?

An assessment is a conversation that will help us understand what help and support you might need to cope with life on a day to day basis and live independently in your own home or in the community. It is also an opportunity for you to get information and advice about local services and to consider how to prevent your needs from getting worse.


Anyone has the right to ask for an assessment regardless of their financial situation, as long as:

  • You have care and support needs because of a physical or mental condition or impairment
  • Are aged 18 or over or are moving from children’s services to adult services
  • Are ordinarily resident in Newham.

For more information:

  1. When you contact us
  2. What is an assessment?
  3. Eligibility
  4. Carer's eligibility
  5. Personal budgets
  6. Direct payments
  7. Support planning
  8. Review

Reports, Strategies and Fact Sheets

View various documents that have been produced to share insights and plans. These include, but are not limited to Needs Assessments, Director of Public Health reports, Strategies and Fact sheets.