Drugs & Alcohol

Overdose emergency and Naloxone information

BSL Support

Someone can experience an overdose at any point up to three hours after they inject, which means there could be time to save a life.

Steps to be taken:

  1. Call 999 and ask for an ambulance
  2. Check to see if anything is blocking the person’s airways (mouth, nose)
  3. Put the person in the recovery position: you can watch a video demonstrating how to put someone in the recovery position.
  4. If you have Prenoxad (naloxone injection), inject it into their thigh or upper arm muscle
  5. If you have Nyxoid (naloxone nasal spray), place the spray in their nose and press the plunger.
  6. Wait with the person until the ambulance arrives


Naloxone is a medicine that can temporarily reverse the effect of an opioid overdose and comes in pre-filled syringes or nasal spray which you or someone caring for you can access from Newham Rise and participating Newham pharmacies. They can provide training on how to use the syringe or nasal spray.

CGL - Newham Rise

Run by CGL, Newham Rise is an open access service for all residents that are concerned with their substance misuse or for those that support others with drug and alcohol issues.

Telephone: 0800 652 3879