Drugs & Alcohol

CGL Newham Rise (Young People's Substance Misuse Service)

BSL Support

Newham Rise Young People’s Substance misuse service is an open access service run by Change, Grow, Live (CGL), offering free and confidential support and advice to young people affected by their own drug and/ or use, or a parent, guardian or carer’s substance use. The service covers:

  • Drug and alcohol use
  • Health and wellbeing
  • One-to-one key working & group working
  • Harm minimisation
  • Family support including intensive support/family therapy for parent and carers
  • International Treatment Effectiveness Project (ITEP) mapping - a way of simplifying psychosocial interventions and uses visual maps to enhance and improve the effectiveness of care planning and treatment outcomes
  • Hidden Harm- children affected by substance misusing parents.


Referral form for young people affected by a loved one’s substance misuse

Referral form for young people who use drugs or alcohol

CGL - Young People's service can be contacted via:

Pages related to support for drugs and alcohol use

CGL - Young People's Substance misuse service

The Newham Young People's substance misuse service is run by CGL. Please get in touch if you are interested in getting help from the service or you’d just like to ask some questions. Feel free to bring someone with you on your first visit.

Telephone: 07741 627573