Domestic abuse and sexual violence support

Domestic homicides in Newham

If a domestic homicide takes place in Newham, the Police immediately inform the Chair of the Community Safety Partnership. The Community Safety Partnership will decide whether a Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) will take place, and if so, appoint an independent chair and report writer.

Panel members include:

  • Representatives from Newham Police, Adult Social Care
  • Children and Young People's Services
  • Chair of the Domestic and Sexual Violence (DSV) Forum
  • DSV specialist services
  • East London Foundation Trust
  • Barts Health and Newham Clinical Commissioning Group.

All of the information shared for the review is confidential until it has been approved and published.

Family members, friends and colleagues of the victim are important to the DHR process. The independent chair is committed to making contact with friends and family of the deceased, to enable them to contribute to the review and represent the voice of the deceased.

All reviews are submitted to the Home Office Quality Assurance Panel for agreement before they are published on the London Borough of Newham website. To ensure the deceased and their families are not identifiable, initials or a pseudonym is given to the deceased.

Domestic Homicide Reviews

The Newham Community Partnership and London Borough of Newham express their condolences to the families, children and friends of those who have been killed as a result of domestic violence homicide.

The purpose of a DHR is to understand where there are lessons learned and make recommendations to prevent future homicides.

The Home Office has published guidance on when we need to set up a DHR and how to do it. This is explained on the GOV.UK website.

Domestic Homicide Review reports for Newham 

Since 2010, eight domestic homicide reviews have been concluded in Newham. The reports for each victim can be found below:  

Learning summary paper 

The Domestic Homicide Reviews for Avani, AA, AB, ZA and Nadira concluded within a similar timeframe. A summary learning paper that summarises the findings and recommendations from all five reviews is available: 

Summary learning paper (PDF)

Combined action plan 

The Domestic Homicide Reviews for Avani, AA, AB, ZA and Nadira all concluded within a similar timeframe. Therefore it was decided that an action plan would be produced that set out recommendations from all five reviews. A Task and Finish Group has been established. The group will have oversight of the implementation of the recommendations. A copy of the action plan is available: 

Combined action plan (PDF)