Ageing Well in Newham

How will we deliver the Strategy?

Working Groups

Five Working Groups will coordinate the delivery of the Action Plans for each of the priority areas. Each working group will involve people from a variety of organisations.

Resident Advisory Group (RAG)

Residents will advise on the delivery of the strategy and take part in shaping future action through a new Ageing Well Strategy Resident Advisory Group.

Ageing Well Stakeholder Forum

A variety of internal and external stakeholders will meet regularly to share their experience, expertise and ideas to improve outcomes and  reduce inequality for residents aged 50+ and continue to support the delivery  of the Ageing Well Strategy.

Ageing Well Strategy Delivery Board

A multi-agency Ageing Well Strategy Delivery Board will meet regularly to ensure that the strategy is working for residents. The Board will produce an annual report on progress that will be published in these pages.

Age Friendly Communities

Newham is working with the Centre for Ageing Better to become an accredited Age Friendly Community. This is a formal commitment to actively work towards Newham becoming a great place to grow old in, for all residents. This is done with the support and engagement of older people and relevant stakeholders. For more information please visit the Centre for Ageing Better website.

Strategy documents and resources