Ageing Well in Newham

About the Ageing Well Strategy

We want Newham to be a place where everyone can age well. The purpose of the Newham Ageing Well Strategy is to improve the health and wellbeing of residents aged 50+ and reduce health inequalities.

In 2021 and 2022 we spoke to more than 1500 local people to understand how older residents rate Newham as a place to grow older, how they feel about existing services and priority areas for improvement to make Newham a place where everyone can age well. Using this feedback, and in partnership with the NHS and voluntary and community sector organisations, we have co-designed a new, multi-agency strategy to support residents aged 50+ age better.

Who is the Strategy for?

This strategy is for anyone living in Newham aged 50+.

How will the Strategy help?

The purpose of the Newham Ageing Well Strategy is to improve the health and wellbeing of residents aged 50+ and reduce health inequalities. We aim to achieve this through taking action across five priority areas in partnership with residents, the NHS, community and voluntary organisations and other partners. The priority areas are:

1. Information and communication

‘I have a positive vision of aging. I can challenge stereotypes about ageing.

I have accessible information to help me make decisions and communicate with the Council & other services in different ways

2. Home

‘I have a place to live which is warm, safe, and where I can be as independent as possible. I can find adaptations and housing to meet my needs.’

3. Finance, employment, volunteering & retirement

‘I have opportunities to engage in meaningful activities, including employment and enough money to live on. I can volunteer in my community and have support to plan my retirement.’

4. Community Connection & neighbourhood

‘I live in a healthy environment and eat well. I feel safe in my neighbourhood and have access local services and activities. I am part of a connected integrated community.’

5. Planning and preparing for Later Life

‘I get the right health care and social support at the right time from the right people. I can plan for later life. I live well with dementia. I have end of life care when I need it.’

Well Newham 

Supporting you with your health and wellbeing. 
Visit the Well Newham website to find out about support available for your health and wellbeing.

Well Newham logo

Public Health Reports, Strategies and Fact Sheets

Public Health work with health and social care partners to look at the health needs of our residents. Information and intelligence (both qualitative and quantitative) is combined to create plans to meet the needs identified and detail how we will work collaboratively to help tackle inequalities in the borough.

Ageing well newsletter

Ageing Well Newsletter