Support for asylum seekers and refugees in Newham

Homes for Ukraine Scheme Support

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities have produced a welcome guide for new arrivals. This includes getting used to life in the UK including how to find a home, access essential public services, healthcare, find work and childcare and education services. It also includes specific information for those arriving on the Homes for Ukraine scheme.

Guidance in English (PDF)

Guidance in Ukrainian (PDF) 

Guidance in Russian (PDF)

We have also developed some Newham specific information to help arrivals and Ukrainian residents of Newham:

Information for Ukrainian Residents of Newham about Arriving and Staying in the UK (PDF)

Інформація для українських мешканців Ньюема щодо прибуття до Великої Британії та перебування на її території (PDF)

Информация для украинских жителей Ньюэма о прибытии и пребывании в Великобритании (UK) (PDF)

Ukraine a5 booklet online

A number of local organisations are receiving in kind donations:

Sawmill Café

51-53 West Ham, E15 4PH

Open Mon-Sun, 07:30 to 19:00

Main contact is Svitlana, 07984 987428

Accepting medical donations and humanitarian aid from priority list – no clothes.

Unit 6 Café

6 The East Mall, Stratford, E15 1XA

Open Mon-Sun, 07:30 to 19:00

Main contact is Svitlana, 07984 987428

Accepting medical donations and humanitarian aid from priority list – no clothes.

Restaurant XIX

F5 369 Hight Street, Stratford, E15 4QZ

Open Mon-Sun, 09:00 to 22:00

Main contacts are Maria and Nataliya, 07561 32202 and 07383559648

Accepting military and medical donations. No humanitarian aid.

To help your guest establish a new life in Newham, Newham have created an information slide pack highlighting the important services available to Ukrainians and how your guests can access these services.

Welcome Information Leaflets