In year admissions

In year admissions (also known as mid-phase or mid-term admissions)

If you want to apply for a primary or secondary school place in Newham once the school year has started a family must fill-in and submit an in-year school admission application form.

An In-year application is for a child who:

  • Has never attended school in Newham and is arriving or has arrived, to live in Newham, from elsewhere in England or outside of England
  • Is returning to education in Newham from elsewhere in England or outside of England
  • Is a Newham resident who is currently educated in a school outside of Newham
  • Is currently being educated at home or with private tutors
  • Is currently attending private fee paying school
  • Is living and is educated outside of Newham and wants a school place in Newham
  • Wants to change (transfer) schools within Newham – this includes if the child has been offered a place and has not started at the named school

For a child with an Education Health and Care plan family’s must contact the 0-25 Service of their home local authority – Do not follow the year application process. Instead, email Newham’s 0-25 service at  

All local authorities (councils) have a legal duty to ensure they have sufficient school places for all resident children.

For all children living in Newham, we will offer a school place at one of the schools on the application form or issue another school with a space in Newham if the child does not already have a state funded school place in Newham.

If a child has a state funded school place in Newham we will only offer a place if a place can be offered at one of the schools on the current application form. This means the school must have a space in the child’s year group and/or the child must be number one on the current waiting list.  If you want to change your child’s current Newham school please make sure your speak to that school first.  This will help everyone discuss if changing school is the best thing for your child and talking will give you a chance to raise any concerns you have before filling-in an in year application form.

For any family who wants their child to change schools within Newham they should always speak to their current school first.  This will help everyone discuss if a change of school will be in the child’s best interest and talk about any concerns you have before filling-in an in year application form.

Do not use the In-Year application process if:

How we offer in-year school places

The child is considered for a place at each of the schools named as a preference on their family’s current application. Decisions are made by the admission authority for the school. If it is possible for a child to be offered a place at two or more schools listed on your application, we then offer the highest of those schools.

If it is not possible to offer a place at any of the schools named on your application, and the child lives in Newham but does not have a school place or an offer of a place in the borough, we will allocate a place at the closest school to a family’s home address that has a place in the child’s year group.  This may not be close to their home but will be the closest with a space.

Apply for an in-year school place (2024/2025)

Before applying for a school place parents/carers should think about;

Find a primary school

Use our primary school fact finder to find useful information on schools you want to apply to.

Use our Primary school fact finder 

Find a secondary school

Use our secondary school fact finder to find useful information on schools you want to apply to.

Use our Secondary school fact finder