In year admissions

Changing schools within Newham

Think very carefully before you apply to change a child’s school! The priority is to think about the impact on your child’s education and wellbeing.

Changing schools is a really big step to take for any child, whatever their ability and age.

All parents/carers should decide if moving school is really in the best interests of their child’s education, social wellbeing and development.

Before taking the big step of changing schools we recommend that parents/carers talk to their family and friends, the child’s current school and the child to be sure they are making the correct decision.

Moving any child from one school in Newham to another school in Newham, except at the end of year 6 or when starting reception for the first time, could be damaging the child’s chances of doing well at school. Stability in any child’s life is really important and for children school is a major aspect of their lives that should remain constant wherever possible.

Changing schools may result in a child being worried about trying to get used to new routines, new rules, new teachers and making new friends. This means they may find it harder to concentrate on their schoolwork.

Thinking about changing schools due to a problem at a child’s current school?

Families considering changing schools within Newham because their child is having problems at their current school including being bullied or struggling with the journey, should urgently speak to their form tutor or head of year or class teachers in primary before applying for a transfer as they can normally resolve the problem and stop the need for a child having to go through the upheaval of changing schools. 

Remember schools can usually settle most issues once they know about them so it is essential that parents/carers share their concerns and worries as the earliest opportunity.

Changing schools for children and young people who have started their GCSE’s or the International Baccalaureate.

It can be difficult for a child or young person to change schools at any age but can be more of a challenge for those who are currently studying for their GCSEs or the International Baccalaureate. Schools offer a range of courses meaning it is possible that a new school may not offer the same options/subjects as their current school.  Even if they do offer the same options/subjects they may use a different examining board and therefore be following a different syllabus so any work the child has already completed may not be relevant.

Remember changing GCSE and other courses can have an adverse effect on a  child’s exam results and further education.

Applying to change schools in Newham

The process to change schools in Newham is the same as for new arrivals to Newham or those returning to Newham – this is known as an In Year admission. 

If you apply online, you will receive an automatic acknowledgement.  Applications are then processed within 15 schools days.  We do not process applications while our schools are closed.

If you do not get an acknowledgment within seven days or you cannot submit your online in-year common application form, please email us with a screen shot of the problem you are having to  or phone: 020 8430 2000.

Are all transfer request guaranteed?

Places cannot be guaranteed as schools may not have spaces for everyone who applies. The How We Offer Places section explains how we process applications and our waiting list process.

If your child is already in a Newham school, we will not offer a different school if there are no places at the schools on your application form. We will automatically add your child’s details to the waiting list for any of the schools we could not offer which are listed higher than the school we could offer. Waiting lists are cleared on the last day of each term. We will automatically let the family know if a place becomes available before this time. 

It is the responsibility of parents and carers to make sure their child receives suitable education. Your child must therefore continue to attend their current school until a space is available at another school.

Useful links related to changing schools within Newham