Parking in Newham

Bank holiday and Public Holiday parking

Some parking restrictions still apply on bank holidays and public holidays and are enforceable. Find out where you can and can’t park on bank holidays and public holidays in Newham.

Where can I park for free on bank holidays and public holidays?

  • In on-street permit parking bays
  • In on-street pay by phone bays
  • In shared use bays. This is a bay where a permit and/or payment by phone are both valid

NB Normal charges apply in Council car parks on bank Holidays and public Holidays

Which restrictions still apply on bank holidays and public holidays?

  • Event day restrictions
  • Disabled bay & resident disabled bay restrictions
  • Car club bay restrictions
  • Doctors bay restrictions
  • Moving Traffic Contraventions, which include: Bus lanes, No entries, Banned Turns, Yellow box junctions and pedestrian zone restrictions
  • Parking on footways
  • Parking across dropped kerbs (residential and pedestrian)
  • Loading/unloading bay restrictions

Please note that Healthy School Street restrictions are not currently enforced on any Bank Holiday or Public Holiday which falls within the school term

If your vehicle is parked in any of the above mentioned parking bays on a bank holiday or is breaching any of the above restrictions, you can be issued with a penalty charge notice and your vehicle may also be removed to the Newham vehicle car pound.

Do yellow line restrictions still apply on bank holidays?

Single yellow line restrictions still apply on bank holidays. The restrictions for yellow lines can be found on time plates by the side of the road.

Double yellow line restrictions still apply on bank holidays. Double yellow lines are enforceable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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