Parking in Newham

Event day parking

When events are held within the Olympic Park or at the London Stadium, we operate an event day parking zone in the surrounding area to reduce disruption to motorists, local residents, businesses and visitors. ​​​ For Resident Parking Zones (Controlled parking zones) this means an extension of the standard operating times.

Timetable of London Stadium events

We advertise the date of the next event day on signs at the entrance to each of the RPZs. You can also find a list of upcoming event days on the London Stadium website.

The London Borough of Newham rely on information stated on the London Stadium website, which it has no control over and unfortunately this may not always show the full schedule of upcoming events. As a precaution all motorists should check the parking signs displayed at the relevant locations to see if an event is taking place’. The signs in place are updated prior to each event at the stadium.

All West Ham United football club home fixtures at the London Stadium will result in extended enforcement hours being applied to the resident parking zones listed below. These extended hours will be 8am – 9pm and all appropriate signage will be installed in advance of these dates. Please refer to the West Ham United football club web site to obtain the most up to date information on all home fixtures

In addition if other events at the London Stadium require extended hours of enforcement from 8am – 9pm these will also be applied to the resident parking zones listed below and all appropriate signage will also be installed prior to these event dates.

The event day parking zone

On event days we encourage visitors to use public transport to travel to Stratford. However if you do need to park in the area you can use the Stratford multi-storey car park.

On event days, controlled parking hours are extended to 8am to 9pm. During this time only permit holders, which includes valid visitor permit holders, can park in the following five residential parking zones (RPZ):

NB permit holders and visitor permit holders can only park in the zone for which their permit has been issued

  • Stratford Central
  • Stratford North West
  • Stratford South West
  • Stratford South East
  • West Ham

An event day parking zone operates in the area around the London Stadium (the former Olympic Stadium. We put the zone in place to make sure residents and businesses have priority for parking in the local area.

It’s a driver’s responsibility to be aware of event dates so you know when parking is restricted.

If an event takes place on a day when a Residential Parking Zone does not usually operate, event day parking restrictions still apply between 8am and 9pm.

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