Parking in Newham

Car park season tickets

How do I apply?

You can apply for a season ticket using PayByPhone.

After you have registered, simply enter the location number of the car park you wish to park in:

  • 88857 - Madge Gill Way Car Park
  • 88858 - Queens Market Car Park
  • 88859 - Shaftsbury Road Car Park
  • 88900 - Old Town Hall Stratford Car Park









For Will Thorne Pavilion and Stratford multi storey car parks season ticket charges please see the tables above.

Season ticket terms and conditions

Season tickets are only valid in the car park stated.  A season ticket does not guarantee you a parking place.  We do not accept liability for any loss or damage incurred while your vehicle is parked in a car park. You are responsible for renewing your season ticket.

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