About 50 steps

The Story Behind 50 Steps: Evidence and Data – Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

The JSNA can be seen here. (Coming soon)

The aim of this report is to give us an understanding of where we are now. By presenting the data, intelligence and resident insights, we can see what is going well in health in Newham, and which areas need more focus. The data shown tells the story of 50 Steps: it first describes the population of Newham, before laying out the data for the thematic areas of the strategy. It gives a summary of everything we have heard from residents, partners and stakeholders, as well as everything we have learned from the data, evidence and best practice, to inform how we focus resources.

This report also serves as our updated Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). JSNAs identify the current and future health and wellbeing needs of local populations. They are intended to inform local commissioning that meet the needs of the whole local community, in particular for the most vulnerable individuals and the groups with the worst health outcomes.

50 Steps To A Healthier Newham 2024-2027