About 50 steps

How we will measure progress

Indicators of progress

Key performance indicators (KPIs) 

Each step lists one KPI, an output indicator chosen to measure activity in implementing the step. Most steps include substantial programmes of work with additional monitoring and evaluation plans, so the 50 KPIs aim to give a summarised overview of the progress across the whole strategy.

Equity indicators

Each step includes an equity indicator, used to measure the progress of the equity objective. This will give us an indication across the whole strategy of how well we are doing in our aim to improve health equity.

Outcome indicators

To track health outcomes linked to the strategy, we will monitor the outcome indicators listed below. These align with the themes in the strategy, as well as with the Building a Fairer Newham outcome measures, the Newham Health and Care Partnership outcomes framework (draft) and NHS North East London (NEL) Babies, Children and Young People’s Community-based Care Indicators framework.

While the strategy takes an evidence-informed approach to improving health outcomes, we know health outcomes will not change overnight. We expect many of the outcome indicators to change gradually over years. Moreover, some might move in a negative direction due to factors outside our local control. Monitoring the outcomes each year will help us understand Newham’s health status, how it is changing, and where we might need renewed focus. 

Outcome indicators for the strategy:

Life expectancy at birth for males & females
Healthy life expectancy for males & females
Premature mortality rate for males & females
Inequality in life expectancy for males and females
Percentage of residents with high or very high life satisfaction
Prevalence of breastfeeding 6-8 weeks after birth
Proportion of children ready for school
Prevalence of children healthy weight
Rate of hospital extractions and rates of dental decay
Number of young people who report feeling safe
Prevalence of common mental health conditions in children
Prevalence of common mental health conditions in adults
Proportion of residents who always or often feel lonely
Suicide rate
Incidence of diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD)
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) premature mortality rate for males & females
Cancer premature mortality rate for males & females
Screening coverage for cervical, colorectal and breast cancer
Rate of unplanned admissions related to frailty
Prevalence of adult healthy weight
Smoking prevalence
Smoking prevalence in routine and manual occupations
Vaccination coverage for children and adults
Incidence of TB
Number of late HIV diagnoses
New STI diagnosis rate
Successful completion of drug treatment
Proportion of adults eating '5 a day'
Proportion of physically active adults
Proportion of residents with high or marginal food security
Number of households in temporary accommodation
Proportion of deaths attributable to particulate air pollution
Proportion of trips made by walking, cycling or public transport
Number of homes that are overcrowded
Number of homes in fuel poverty 
Winter mortality index
Proportion of people in employment 

50 Steps To A Healthier Newham 2024-2027