About 50 steps

How we will implement the strategy

The strategy is owned by all partners of the Newham Health and Wellbeing Board. There will be a newly established 50 Steps Partnership, where colleagues from across the system, including the council, NHS, voluntary, community and faith sector, education and other key partners, will meet to reflect on progress made, discuss important issues emerging from implementing the strategy, share successes, challenges and learning, and continue to build the vital relationships needed for 50 Steps to be a success. The 50 Steps Delivery Board will track the progress of the strategy, drive forwards work on cross-cutting themes that have relevance across 50 Steps, and publish an annual report on achievements against the KPIs and outcomes. Working groups will oversee the delivery of each step and the equity objectives, while also having a role in driving joined-up working between related steps.


50 Steps To A Healthier Newham 2024-2027