Royal Docks Corridor

Equalities Impact Assessment

The aim of an Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) is to ensure that the needs of specific groups with protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 are taken into account when developing a new policy/proposal or changing an existing one.

An impact assessment must be undertaken before the start and during the development of your policy/proposal or plans and not after recommendations or decisions have been made. This ensures that equality considerations are taken fully into account in policy development.

The aim of an EqIA is to ensure that the needs of specific groups are taken into account when developing a new policy/proposal or changing an existing one.

The EqIA helps to ensure that:

We understand the potential effects of the policy by assessing the impacts on different groups with protected characteristics.

Any adverse impacts are identified and where possible actions to remove or mitigate them are identified.

Download a copy of the Royal Docks Corridor EqIA (PDF)

Contact us about the Royal Docks Corridor Project

If you have any questions about the Royal Docks Corridor project, feel free to e-mail the project team.