Timed waste collections on busy streets

How timed waste collections work

Creating a pleasant, clean and safe environment is a key ambition of the council and our residents. Research shows that leaving bags of rubbish on the streets for days on end can signal to others that it is okay to leave their rubbish there too – it also encourages fly-tipping. By asking residents only to present their waste during collection times shown on the next page, we can help to make Newham a more pleasant place for people to live and work.

How timed waste collections work

Newham Council provides a Timed Waste Collection for residents who live in flats above shops on busy roads who have no space to store a bin on their property . This means that we will only collect bags of rubbish that have been left on the street at set times.

Do not put rubbish out before or after these times and days. Please do not leave any rubbish on side streets or in alleyways. Businesses must adhere to the collection arrangements as stated in their trade waste agreements. 

Residents who don’t follow the correct procedure not only risk their street being littered with household rubbish, but may also face a fine. Putting rubbish out on the street for collection at any other time may result in a £150 fixed penalty notice or prosecution. 

Note that if you are currently using a bin which you permanently store on your property, timed collections will not affect you and you should continue to use your bin as normal. If you do not know your collection day, please click here to find out.

Why we have timed waste collections in some areas  

Timed waste collections benefit everyone who lives on, or uses our busiest roads. They mean: 

  • bags and bins stay on the main roads waiting for collection for less time, keeping our streets cleaner 
  • fewer bags and bins in the way, make it easier for people to get through the streets. 

Find out which streets have timed rubbish collections on the next page.