Regeneration project: Canning Town and Custom House

Custom House regeneration: voting for our landlord offer 

This year’s ballot will be your chance to vote on whether proposals for the regeneration of Custom House sites should go ahead or not.  

The Mayor of Newham has made a commitment to hold this ballot; the Mayor of London is also committed to ensuring that residents have a say, as set out in Better Homes for Local People – his good practice guide to estate regeneration.  

Before the ballot takes place an offer document will be sent to council tenants, resident leaseholders, resident freeholders, some temporary and private tenants and residents who have been rehoused outside of the area. 

The offer will cover the broad vision for Custom House and what the priorities are.

It will include: 

  • The preferred option from the masterplan 
  • The overall number of new homes and their tenure mix 
  • What the right to return or remain will be for council tenants 
  • A clear offer for leaseholders and freeholders whose homes have to be demolished in the redevelopment. 

Voters will be asked to vote either yes or no, as to whether they are in favour of the offer or not.   

Who gets to vote? 

Council tenants 

Resident leaseholders and freeholders 

Some temporary and private tenants 

Residents who have been rehoused 

Residents include secure and introductory tenants named on a tenancy. 

Residents must have lived in their property as their only or principal homes for at least one year prior to the offer. 

Residents must have been on the council housing waiting list for at least one year prior to the offer. 

Residents who have been rehoused and, as secure council tenants, have a right to return. 

The outcome 

The rules do not ask for a minimum turnout, but they do require a majority either in favour or against.  

What ‘yes’ will mean:  

We will go ahead with what the landlord offer sets out. The vision is that the offer and regeneration planned for the area will achieve the following:  

  • New and better homes, including the aim to provide 50% council homes 
  • High quality public spaces 
  • Jobs, new shops and services 
  • Accessible public transport routes, with a new bus interchange and improved bus service 
  • A phased approach, helping local people stay in the area. 

What ‘no’ will mean 

  • The project will be paused while we reconsider our approach, fully engaging with residents again 
  • A potential loss of the allocated GLA funding, which is currently £8.7m. 

Contact us about the regeneration programme

For more information programme, consultations or how you can get involved, contact the Regeneration Team.