Regeneration project: Canning Town and Custom House

Developing plans for the regeneration of Custom House  

Work is now underway to develop a planning application for the first phases of redevelopment at Custom House, working closely with the community. The plans will improve the neighbourhood centre at Freemasons Road for the whole community by providing between 800-900 new quality homes, safer and more attractive streets, improved local shops, a health hub and other community facilities. 

The first sites for redevelopment are Areas 6 & 19 of the regeneration programme around Freemasons Road and Custom House Station. A design team lead by Adam Khan Architects were chosen by the council and elected community representatives to work with local people and the Council on the design of the new centre at Custom House. An organisation called Montagu Evans are also part of the project team, engaging with the community and advising on the best way to build and pay for the redevelopment. 

We are working towards creating a masterplan with outline designs covering the whole of Area 6 & 19.Some areas within the masterplan will be designed in more detail, including three early sites that have been identified to be redeveloped first (please see the map above for details). It is envisaged that these will provide up to 225 new homes as well as space for non-residential uses. 

Contact us about the regeneration programme

For more information programme, consultations or how you can get involved, contact the Regeneration Team.