Planning permission applications and process

Application decisions

The Government assesses us on how quickly we decide planning applications and sets a framework which states that we must decide: 

  • 60% of all major planning applications within 13 weeks 
  • 65% of all minor planning applications within eight weeks 
  • 80% of all other planning applications within eight weeks. 

We aim to make a decision within eight weeks (13 weeks for major applications). Some types of planning related applications are subjected to different time scales. Find out how we have performed

Our schemes of delegation sets out which planning applications will be reviewed by our senior planning officer and which will be decided by our Local Development or Strategic Development Committees.  

If an application goes to committee, a planning officer makes a recommendation and the committee, which is made up of elected councillors, makes the final decision. 

Regardless of whether we approve or refuse planning permission, we will inform you of the reasons for our decision. These reasons are normally made available on the planning applications search service.  

Where we grant permission it may be subject to planning conditions and sometimes a Section 106 agreement. You may also have to pay the Community Infrastructure Levy. 

Schemes of delegation 

Local development committee 

Strategic development committee 

Section 106 agreement (planning obligations) 

Community Infrastructure Levy 

What if I am unhappy with the council’s planning decision? 

If we refuse your application, or approve it with conditions that you as an applicant don’t agree with, you can appeal against our decision. You can also appeal if we don’t make a decision within the time allowed (8 weeks or 13 weeks for major applications). 

Note that if you are a third party (for example if you objected to an application which we approved), you cannot appeal our decision. However, the council's decision can be challenged in the High Court by judicial review. The High Court will only look at the council's decision-making process, not whether the council made the correct planning decision. You should get legal advice if you are unsure about this. 

How to appeal 

You can find information on how to appeal on the last page of the decision notice we send you. You can appeal online via the Planning Inspectorate’s website.  

Guidance on appeals can be found on the Planning Portal 

Read the Government’s guidance on appeals 


Apply on the Planning Portal

You can apply online via the Planning Portal website, by submitting your application forms, with the required certificates, documents and plans, and paying the application fee.

Contact Duty planning officer