Planning permission applications and process

Application process and fees

In general, we advise that you discuss your proposals with us before making a formal application. Find out more information on our pre-application service page.

What you will need to apply 

You will need to send us some documentation and copies of your plans with your application. 

Our Planning Application Requirements (PAR) (PDF) explain what you will need to send us. These are national and local requirements which you need to meet.  

Please complete and submit the Submission Checklist with your application, showing how and where information requirements have been met.

Submission Checklist (Word)

To determine what type of application you need to submit please refer to the Planning Portal.

How to submit

Planning Portal

All planning applications should be submitted via the Planning Portal. Applications submitted directly will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Local Planning Authority. Submitting via the Planning Portal is the fastest way to ensure your payment is correctly taken and received by the Local Planning Authority and minimise any delays to the validation of your application.  

Directly to the Local Planning Authority

As outlined above, any application submitted directly to the Local Planning Authority (via will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances and will incur an administration fee of £60.        

LLFA Drainage Information Pro-forma

The Surface Water Drainage Pro-forma for new developments (Excel)​ should be completed with details of proposed surface water drainage solutions to allow the LLFA (Lead Local Flood Authority) to assess proposals.

Developers should complete the form and submit it to the Local Planning Authority along with relevant planning applications, referencing where in submission documents the information can be corroborated.

The template is supported by Defra/Environment Agency guidance on runoff management and uses storage calculations from

Planning application costs 

There is a fee for most applications, how much that is, will depend on your proposal. Use the Planning Portal’s fee calculator to work out the correct fee.  

After you submit your application 

We will check your application to ensure we have the correct information and fee. We will write to you or your agent to tell you if your application is valid and ready to proceed.  

Once an application is validated, we give members of the public a chance to view and comment on it. All applications are published on our Planning Access public portal.

We follow a code of practice for consulting the public on applications. 

Can I change my planning application after I send it? 

Once we validate your application it may not be possible for you to change it. If you want to make a change to your application, contact the planning case officer. 

How are planning applications decided? 

We refer to a number of plans and guidance to decide whether a planning application is successful or not. These include: 

When deciding whether to grant planning permission, all consultation responses and comments from members of the public are taken into account.  

Apply on the Planning Portal

You can apply online via the Planning Portal website, by submitting your application forms, with the required certificates, documents and plans, and paying the application fee.

Contact Duty planning officer